So, accordingly this update is a little brief, but hopefully does still hold some interest. Most of my painting time has been taken up by commission work, but i have managed to take some photos of a few odds and sods for my Sharp Practice project. For this year, i'm planning on painting up another three 10 man french groups of Line Infantry (incidentally making a 1:10-ish scale Line battalion), along with some Leger voltigeurs and chasseurs, and a limber set. Up against them, I'd like to finish off a few more Austrian 12 man groups, an artillery piece and limber, and perhaps some of the new Perry chevauxlegers. Add in some Bavarians and Wurttembergers, and I've set myself quite an ambitious target.
Alongside the 1809 guys, i've also got the first of my Peninsular War British, an xmas pressie from Laura. In the metal (and plastic) mountain i've got a box of the perry Line infantry and some metal rifles, all to be painted up and organised into 8 man groups with accompanying Big Men. Laura also got me an excellent 28mm sloop, along with a load of the superb Paul Hicks sculpted Brigade Games Royal Navy jacktars.
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The French reinforcements |
First off, I've painted up the tete de colonne (the battalion command) of the 3e Regiment de Ligne. Comprising 1e and 2e portes-aigles (the eagle bearer and the halberd armed eagle guard), a drummer and grizzled sapper, this base is a complete redux. The first version went on eBay to help fund the purchase of Laura's engagement ring, so it's perhaps fitting to post these guys up a few weeks before the wedding. The uniforms for these guys are supposed to be for the 3e Regiment de Ligne, which served in St. Hilaire's division of Marshal Davout's III Corps in 1809.
Next up, the first of four planned line infantry fusilier companies. After what was most likely far too much research into something so trivial, I've ended up not painting the 1st company pompoms in the usual vert fonce, but rather in the bleu-de-roi. The 2nd company will be the infamous orangey-brown aurore, 3rd violette, and 4th cramoisie, which i'm reliably informed is a purplish red. At the head of this company is a new big man, the dastardly Lt. Montalban.
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Lt. Montalban |

So that's it for now, next update will undoubtedly be regarding all Spitfires, Hurricanes and Messerschmitts as I embark on my first foray into aerial wargaming with Bag the Hun 2, so stay tuned!